Starting Up A Gardening Business – Just Do It
Some of the best marketing advice I have received is from an Aussie bloke called Scott Bywater. Go check him out!
One of the things that sets Scott apart from other “Marketing Gurus” is that he pumps out emails of business wisdom everyday. That’s right, every day of every week!
One of his “pearls of wisdom” suggests that you should toss out the business plan, and Just Do It!
So in your case, rather than planning your way to nothing, write up a little flyer advertising your services, print off 300 and go deliver them in your local area or closest target market area. This will take about 4-6 hours all up and has only cost you a bit of ink, some computer paper and some sweat.
Scott reckons that with this small investment you will find out very quickly if you have a business go-er. Personally, I think it will go well.
If you want to see a little flyer that I have had great success with, then go to our facebook page at , LIKE our facebook page and in return I will send you a copy of our flyer.
Q: What next? A: Just Do It!