101 Tips To Improve Your Business – Tips 56 to 60 (networking, goals, dreams, service potential, customer feedback, popular people)

101 Tips continued:

56. Networking is the key to success. Always look for opportunities to make contacts – I think their are plenty of networking opportunities…trouble is that a lot of people try too hard when networking! These people appear to be desperate when they go networking. Better for them to go with the attitude of having a good time and then leads and customers will follow.

57. Encourage your prospective customers to expand their professional goals and dreams, this will ensure that you too expand – this makes sense.

58. Encourage your existing customers to use and maximise the potential of your product or service as this will benefit you – this also makes sense.

59. Always listen to feedback from your customers – set systems in place for your customers to give feedback. Make it easy for them to give feedback. And thank them for feedback.

60. People like to be around popular people. By honing your relationship and communication skills with others you too can be a popular person – this is a bit like the networking tip. Once again, people can try too hard on trying to be popular. Just be yourself, it usually works!